Other than one day of sunlight, we are certainly seeing our share of fog and rain. But it's warm, so at least it's not in your bones.
Back to Tuesday night - we caught the Neddy Norris show in Cow Head. It was not quite what we expected - but better. 1 young guy from Toronto and 3 young women - all locals; 1 from Cow Head, another from mainland western Labrador and the 3rd from a very small town - Kippens (the south west of NFLD). They treated us to a variety of songs, ballads and verse even an original by one of the troup. I'll add a few of the titles from the list when I have it handy.

Next morning we did a

hike at the local Cow Head Lighthouse trail before our drive. It was a very pretty walk - we saw rabbits and fox - with lots of views. The lighthouse itself was a metal structure and surprisingly low for a landmark - but since it was up the hill I guess it was visible from sea. We followed the trail down to

the waterside (there was actually a campsite down the

trail) where the water front was very interesting. The rocks are metamorphic with lots of pools and the cliffs to the edge are full of moss and small wind dwarfed flowers and trees with waterfalls trickling down the faces. Very beautiful and peaceful. The iris' were especially unique in dwarf form.

On the way out, we

encountered a black fox who was very accustomed to humans.

The locals are apparently concerned by it's lack of fear, but the couple living at the site were certain it is very safe. It hangs around all the time - digging and burying gloves and such in her garden. It's just very used to people.

Next our drive up the coast to the point with great hopes of seeing icebergs. We drove through intermittent rain, some fog and overall clouds into St. Anthony's. At a stop for late lunch in Tim Horton's, we heard that there was an

iceberg visible from the end of the road. So we drove out to catch a sighting. It may be the only one we see - a small one from a distance - as the local news sounds like sightings are slim to none. But Michael didn't even take a photo as it was so far out and we still had hopes that we would see more - but alas that appears to be it.

After checking into our B&B at Viking Nest, we took the local trail up the hill outside Hay Cove. Since it was lightly raining, Mike decided to leave his camera behind -

which was a mistake as the views from the top of the fog rolling into the bays was spectacular.

No moose - but signs again. No coyotes - again signs though. Mike tried to scramble back to get his camera - so he did end up getting a few shots but they were much more fog bound than our original views unfortunately.

We were going to take a picnic for dinner - but the rain got heavier so we ate in our room with a nice bottle of wine and watched movies on Michael's laptop. Great to have your own travelling entertainment!

It's a lovely little fishing village - and according to Thelma (our hostess) her husband as one of the fishermen is really struggling. He was offered $.30 a pound for cod - just outlandish giving the sale price. And they don't know what they will get till the last minute. And getting a buyer is tough. Something just isn't right with this picture.

And now we are off to L'Anse aux Meadows to check out the viking village. Not sure if we'll try the iceberg trip today - doesn't sound promising....maybe the early boat tomorrow when the weather is supposed to be a bit better?
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