Well we are off on our second break tomorrow! We have already seen and done and so much (and spent so much I might add ...) that is is hard to believe this is only our second 'break'.
Back in April we travelled up the west coast to Exmouth, and on several weekends we've explored the southwestern coast of Western Australia from Albany back around to Perth. So now we expand our horizons and head east and north.
This trip has been in the planning since before we left Canada - I actually booked the flights for Mike, Kyle and I last year before we left! Since then I have added a flight for Patrick, and modified the itinerary. We will fly into Alice Springs tomorrow (Saturday). We pick up a rather large 6 sleeper camper van on Sunday morning.
It is a manual monster - should be entertaining as Mike and I drive this monster standard shifting with our left hand!
I'm including a map to show our approximate route (not a very accurate map in reality) From Alice we will drive down to Uluru and Kata Tjuta, and into Kings Canyon - for about 3 nights. Mike and I did a similar trip back in 1989, so it will be interesting to see the changes.
From there we start our drive up to Darwin, with several sights en route. We hope to see Devils Marbles, Mataranka hot springs, Katherine Gorge and Litchfield National Park.
Once in Darwin, we return the camper and head out on a 3 day 4 wheel drive trip into Kakadu. And after a last day to explore Darwin, we'll head back home - totally exhausted I suspect - for Mike, Kyle and Patrick to get back to it the very next day. And then I can start posting our trip - similar to the April trip I'll try to do a day or two at a time.
In the meantime, several other family and friends are travelling - Marucia (Ma), Derek & Meg, and Jack & Nina (Mum & Dad) to name a few. So travel safe everyone, and we'll catch you in a couple of weeks!
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