It is interesting to see the variation from the Toronto Zoo. The biggest difference in Perth, as you would expect, was the broader selection of Australian animals.

The nocturnal exhibit was fairly extensive also. T

The reptile exhibit was another favourite for us.

And of course, the monkeys and meerkats are always fun to watch, and we did our share of that.
But the most memorable experience of the day was with the orangutans. Apparently their name in Indonesian means 'people of the forest' - and I can certainly understand why. The zoo has built a very elaborate area for them with segregated accommodation, but so that they can all climb up to platforms and see each other. They have successfully bred 25 orangutans in captivity at the zoo, and have recently released one into the wild - so far she is doing fine. They hope to release more based on a success. This little guy was keeping mom busy as she tried to stay near by while he was constantly on the move.
Each animal had its personality described, and there was one fellow who was described as being very social with humans and his favourite past time was to sit and people watch. And that is exactly what he did. He even came right up to the glass and sheltered the sun from his eyes so that he could peer through better. As I opened my back pack to pull out my water bottle, he peered in to check what was in there and what I was up to. I could have spent hours just sitting with him - he was extremely intelligent I suspect.

By the time we headed out of the zoo, it was after 3pm - past lunch time and too early for dinner. We tried many restaurants, but with no luck as they all shut down between meals. So we hit the local pub instead - they don't stop the beer flowing between meals after all, and ordered some not so healthy potato wedges and a cool one (beers for Mike & I, a pop for Kyle :-). They hit the spot enough to get us home for a real meal.
1 comment:
LOVE the photos in this post! LOVE THEM! (of course, I put pictures of lizards on my blog and then you've got to go and copy me - with BETTER photos!!! Thanks! :))
Seriously, though - AWESOME!
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