Friday, March 16, 2007

Assimilation has Begun

Well it's only been a few weeks, but in some small ways we truly are starting to become locals. We now are the proud owners of Mandurah Public Library cards (it wasn't an overly thrilling date night, but we did get out :-). We borrowed a bunch of stuff - including some DVDs.

We know that we are assimilating after watching the movie - a driving scene. Something was wrong, it just looked weird. Then we realized that the driver was on the wrong side of the car, and was driving on the wrong side of the road. Both Mike and I were thrown off by how disoriented it made us feel. Is this what it's like for the lefties of the world (and there are quite of few
of you who could be reading this that I know of)? Everything just not quite right?

Pinjarra HS had their swim meet this week with the whole school attending. Lots of pool activity, with even the teachers competing! Mike was busy photo-ing, so he managed to avoid competing so as not to embarass himself too much :-).

This weekend is Crabfest in Mandurah, so we had crabs this week in honour - lots of fun trying to get them cooked. Mike headed over to the estuary and caught some photos of the 'crabbing'. The small bird was essentially frozen in mid-air hovering over the catch area, hoping. The herons just look after themselves quite successfully.

Some travel updates, we've had a quick email from Marucia and GL (Mike's parents) to let us know that they are in New
Zealand safely and touring - by now in the south island. They will arrive here at the end of March and we will have about a week together with them before we head off on our April trip up the west coast of Australia, and they head off to tour more of Australia - quite the itinerary they have!

And Patrick (our OTHER son) has his flight booked also and will arrive here mid May till mid August. Plans are in the process for his activity while down here - don't want to put anything in print until it's firmed up. Can't wait to see our baby!

And finally, I hate to gloat, but the weather here for the past many days has been perfection. The day time highs climb to high 20's or low 30's, but with a light breeze and no humidity. The evenings cool off to mid teens with a nice breeze for perfect sleeping conditions. It just doesn't get any better.

But I must add, I did notice one instance where the temperature in Barrie was just 4 degrees cooler than here - looks like spring is coming in Canada and you will pass us soon I'm sure as we head into winter.

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