Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Sigh....It's getting cool: Barrie outdid us
For date night last evening, Mike & I headed to a local pub for dinner. It's a bit different here - you go to the counter and order your meal and pay, and then they bring it to you (even some restaurants work this way). Not the same tipping as there is in Canada, and the price you see is the price you pay, taxes are all in. So even though the prices seem a bit high, it is probably cheaper in the end. We had a good hearty meal of roast lamb - warming on a cool evening.
From there we headed to the bowling alley and despite his phenomenal start, Mike failed to set his all time record. I must have been carrying something contagious, as Mike's second game was nowhere near so impressive. And I was so miserable that I could not even hit 2 pins on my last chance to allow us to reach a grand total of 400 for our 4 games (2 each) combined. I'm blaming it all on Mike - he stressed me out by pointing out that I only needed to hit 3 pins to break the 100 average per game....OH THE PRESSURE....I'm just not used to it!!! Needless to say, Mike carried about 75% of that score....boy I am a lousy bowler!!!! Luckily I am able to laugh at myself....might as well as I'm sure everyone else did.
In honour of the temperature swing, I'm supplying another first - a blog with NO photos. We've now had several requests for more photos with us in them. I'll speak to Mike - no promises, but watch for some 'people' shots as George and Marucia (Mike's parents) visit this Friday. They are only here for a short stay - and on April 7 we (just Mike, Kyle & I) head north up the coast for 2 weeks on our first school break. I expect there will be a pause in posting as we likely won't have internet access while we are away; followed by a flurry of postings as I catch up!!
Stay tuned!
Tail end of Rottnest Weekend

Once Kyle & I reunited with Mike, we hit the local bakery for a sweetie and a marvelous loaf of bread to take to home. Then it was onto the ferry and back to the mainland (we had to leave the island early as Kyle had some tests to study for - after all we are here for more than a holiday you know!)

But before we rushed back home, we strolled around the sheds in Freemantle, and visited the submarine which was on display. There was also a 'tall ship' in dock which students and others can go on to learn to sail, or just to tour.
Then it was back home to work!!!!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
The Rottnest Weekend Yet
Rottnest is a popular getaway for Perthonians - just a 1/2 hour by speedy ferry ride off of Freemantle (just west of Perth). It has many unique and interesting features. There are essentially no cars on the island. The island authority vehicles and busses are all that are allowed (we were lucky to have an island van follow us along on the bike route so that we did not have to carry all our gear!)
One of the first oddities you notice is the islands namesake. The island was originally (falsely) named for the 'Rats' - which are actually a marsupial - the Quokka. There are about 10,000 of them on the island. They are extremly adapatable and thrive where there are no natural predators. They are not the least afraid of humans and actually very cute and will let you pat them (although they are full of fleas and carry salmonella). Although nocturnal, there are still some out during the day also. On the mainland they are almost extinct with the introduction of feral cats and other predators - but on Rottnest they RULE.
We arrived on the island early Friday morning, picked up our bikes and headed to our accommodations - the barracks. We had our first educational introduction to the island with a seminar. Unfortunately the water was too rough so we had to forego our snorkelling tour. So instead we started cycling - and for the rest of the weekend it seemed all we did was cycle, and eat!! The island was originally about 70% forested - and they are hoping to get it back up to about 50%; now it is about 10%. Students take part in reforesting and the areas are fenced off from the Quokkas who quickly devour them out if not kept out. At the right here is one of the native 'broccoli trees'.
Rottnest was a key strategic defense in the second world war protecting the harbour at Freemantle and Perth.
The island was taken over and is still full of empty remnants of the posts. We visited the 9 inch gun which protected the waters. Surrounding the area were the original sand bags which are now totally fossilized - they even have the
burlap still intact in places. The gun itself is one of only 3 remaining in the world.

We also visited the tunnels under the gun where the munitions and engines for the gun resided - you really feel a sense of history as you walk the steps of those who worked here. Most of the content is now gone since the scrap metal was all taken away after the war. Only the gun r

All around the island there are lookout posts and pillboxes where men were positioned as lookouts. Check out the warning post below the graffiti on the this one munitions station (at left).
We returned and a had tour of the barracks before dinner (Mike took photos on Sunday which I will post tomorrow). After dinner, we did an evening walk into town and toured the original settlement.

made our way around the island,

But perhaps the highlight of the trip was the snorkelling.

The final unique fact about Rottnest is that it has the most southern coral reef in the world. The warm currents run down off shore from the coast and run right past Rottnest. There are wonderful corals right off shore which you can snorkel through. Our time snorkelling was short but sweet . You can see some of the coral reefs at right. We have purchased an underwater camera bag for our little point and shoot camera and this was our first chance to try it out. Kyle at left and some reef fish at right (in case you weren't sure which was which).
Hopefully we will become more skilled at taking underwater shots for our upcoming trip to the Ningaloo reef in a couple of weeks. This snorkelling has really whetted our appetite for more!!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Fruits of the Ocean - Fishing and Crabfest

The second difference was the bait. As per the photo, maggots are the bait of choice (which are perpetually raised using the fish heads from the last catch as breeding ground - works quite effectively). We did try worms also. They are not the same as our earth worms - these ones had legs and looked like a cross between

As you can see, my first catch here in Aus, was not so impressive. Despite the common conception that everything is bigger down under, my first fish didn't fill the prophecy. But larger ones followed (and this little fellow got to live for bigger days). We ended up with a reasonable haul considering our skill level (thanks to Gwilly primarily). Mike and I each managed to catch a garfish (the ones with the long snout like a mini-marlin). Despite his efforts, Kyle had no luck unfortunately. Gwilly very graciously gave us the haul to take home and taste (and you may notice that there was one herring in the bunch also). It was one of the 'local' experiences that are making our exchange very memorable and distinct from a regular vacation.
On Sunday I actually found a recipe on the internet and cooked up the bunch - which turned out quite tasty - although Mike & Kyle both struggled with the bones (nothing new there).

Later in the day on Saturday, we headed down to the waterfront for Crabfest.
Mike stopped by the skatepark to check out the competition. Some impressive tricks, especially given that the kids are local. The first aid van was right next to the park - but at least for our visit it was only on standby. The skate/bike parks are well used here. The skateboarders and bikers of all ages seem to share the park very peacefully and there is usually an impressive bunch of tricks being performed.We hooked up with Richard & Phillipa and checked out the Crabfest parade. The aboriginal float was quite good, but I have to admit that another stuck in my memory the most. I am not quite sure what it was supposed to be, but it was a giant animated robot which looked the alien from the Predator. It was eating a giant crab. Running along side the float was a guy handing out chicken hats. The had a chicken body on top of your head with legs hanging down around your ears. Despite my best efforts, I could not convince Kyle to grab me one, and my own efforts to run the float down failed. Ah well, it probably would not fit in my luggage at any rate.
We sauntered down to the docks to have a front row seat for the show. The evening was perfect to sit outside - not even any bugs.

The fireworks were not disappointing. They were labelled 'Ballet on Water' - and we found out why. There were actually fireworks launched which landed on the water and after dancing on the water for a while they launched into their own display. There were two launch points from the shores and at times action was everywhere - on the water and in multiple points in the sky all at once.
I also found the colours were quite noticable - both the brilliant colours you have come to expect, but also subtle pastel colours which were still vibrant.
The grand finale was so bright that some of Mikes shots don't do it justice since they are totally white - but hopefully this one gives you a sense of their brilliance.
We closed off the night by heading back to Richard and Phillipa's sitting out on the deck watching natures fireworks (lightning show) and we were even treated to a very brief rain shower (lasted perhaps 10 minutes!) as we headed home.
Yet another great day with great company from start to finish.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Assimilation has Begun
We know that we are assimilating after watching the movie - a driving scene. Something was wrong, it just looked weird. Then we realized that the driver was on the wrong side of the car, and was driving on the wrong side of the road. Both Mike and I were thrown off by how disoriented

Pinjarra HS had their swim meet this week with the whole school attending. Lots of pool activity, with even the teachers competing! Mike was busy photo-ing, so he managed to avoid competing so as not to embarass himself too much :-).


And Patrick (our OTHER son) has his flight booked also and will arrive here mid May till mid August. Plans are in the process for his activity while down here - don't want to put anything in print until it's firmed up. Can't wait to see our baby!
And finally, I hate to gloat, but the weather here for the past many days has been perfection. The day time highs climb to high 20's or low 30's, but with a light breeze and no humidity. The evenings cool off to mid teens with a nice breeze for perfect sleeping conditions. It just doesn't get any better.
But I must add, I did notice one instance where the temperature in Barrie was just 4 degrees cooler than here - looks like spring is coming in Canada and you will pass us soon I'm sure as we head into winter.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Fun Park (and note it's only 13 hours)

The other interesting thing here is the rejuvenation of the vegetation. If you check out the tree on the large photo, you can actually see the new green leaves on the top of the tree. The ground is now covered with the dried leaves which are falling off the trees, but the new ones are now sprouting.
Not all trees are recovering, but the more established ones with thicker trunks/bark seem to be coming back now. The smaller photo shows a tree with a
completely burnt trunk. It is now sprouting new shoots right out of the trunk.
On the ground, some of the plants which you would think are totally dead are actually now starting to thrive. These fern looking plants (sorry, don't know the name!) are cropping up all over - this one is right out of its burnt out shell.