Only placed one bet on the night - on Pretty Nina. Her stats weren't great, but given her name I had to place a bet!

The 'rabbit' they chased around was actually covered with a

Interesting seeing the dogs as they 'psych' up for the race - some are very calm (like the one in the photo here), while others are bouncing around and the trainers can barely keep them off the track.
At any rate, next time we'll have to book a dinner reservation in advance to make sure we get a spot in the air conditioned section - sitting in the baking sun to eat dinner was not ideal (but I'm not complaining.....!)

One last photo to end with - a remnant from Hong Kong - lights of the city as we took the ferry back across to catch the train to the airport.
Wow! Looks very exciting!! I love the second photo of dog #8 - you sure do take a great picture, Mike!!! Was that Pretty Nina?
So, it sounds like you guys are taking in all of the sights and sounds as often as you can! Kyle, how are you liking things?
Take care,
Sorry - no shot of Pretty Nina - we were too busy cheering for her to photo!
Kyle says 'good'. Played cricket on the beach last night - actually pretended to play. We went to a secluded beach, but I still think a 1/2 dozen or so of the locals probably had a good laugh. Kyle seems to have the rules and style tho' after watching tons on TV.
(nice baby photo!)
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