Sunday, December 16, 2007

And We're Off

In less than 1/2 hour we leave our 'home away from home'. It truly has been a home for us for the past year, and each return home from our 2 week stints has felt like coming home. But now we start our next adventure.

Kyle and 'JC' have been catching as much time together as possible before we leave, including a tour of the Mandurah canals to see the incredible Christmas lights adorning the 'ritzy' homes on the canals. And Mike and I have been socializing up to the end also. Last night we had a wonderful 'Christmassy' dinner hosted by Donna & Chris and with Richard & Phillipa. Again too much good food and drink!

But now having spent the last few days frantically packing and cleaning and disposing of the car, we are waiting for our 'bookend' hosts to take us back to the airport. Richard and Phillipa met us at the airport upon arrival and are now seeing us off. In between they have been the perfect sponsors, always there when we need them.

So, as promised here is our final adventure plan. The next few weeks will see sporatic postings depending upon network access on our travels. But here's where we'll be:

Dec 16-22 Fly to Adelaide and drive down to Melbourne where we'll hook up with Montgomery family friends, the Wallaces.

Dec 23 - 29 In Tasmania - 3 days near Cradle Mountain, and 3 in Hobart. Tassie for 'Chrissie' as the Aussies call it.

Dec 30-Jan 13 2 weeks in New Zealand (the map is a bit off - we really do start in the far south and then head north).
In the North Island, we'll hook up with the Birds who were in Canada on exchange a few years back.

Jan 14-21 Thailand - we do an organized tour for the week.

Jan 22-23 Back to Hong Kong and hopefully catch up with Simon who we met on the way down.

Jan 24 - BACK TO CANADA !!!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Just checking in to see how you guys are doing and to see if you had managed to post anything yet... I'll check back later.
Hope all is going great - you must be having a totally different Christmas experience than the rest of us!